In the morning, we started our descent down to Chome again. Mr. Mndeme offered us some coffee and “ground nuts” (peanuts), and we sat down to have a chat. While we were sitting there, news came that one of the group, Eva, had hurt her ankle and that she needed help to get down to the village again. Guide Luther summoned a couple of boys and went up to get her.
Just twenty minutes later, Eva came roaring down the mountain lying on an up-side-down turned bed carried by nine (!!) boys. And she flew! The boys took turns in carrying, and they almost ran down the slopes. I didn’t even have time to get my camera before she was gone again. The verdict was a sprained ankle, but it wasn’t too serious.
After lunch, we said goodbye to “our” families and crawled into our Land Cruisers again. Down the bumpy road back to Elephant Motel again.
Life had been pleasant in Chome, but I admit it was heaven to take a warm shower.